2012-05-07 11:15:44 Istambul - rezultati Svi partneri uključeni u projekt zajednički su proveli istraživanje o kulturi življenja i stanovanja u prošlosti i danas. Predstavljamo rezultate istraživanja koje su dobili učenici 2. razreda naše škole i njihova učiteljica Željka Martinić. Evo kako izgleda usporedba života u tipičnoj obitelji u Pučišćima nekad i danas:
CHILDREN and their peers - PRESENT time GRANDPARENTS and their peers – PAST time 1. Number of family members living in the household 4 – 5 6 - 9 2. Number of rooms in a home 5 -7
3 - 4 3. Type of rooms Living room, kitchen with dining room, one or more bedrooms, one or more bathrooms Kitchen, one or more bedrooms; no bathroom – outdoor toilet 4. Number of bedrooms 2 – 3 (mainly 3)
2 – 3 (mainly 2) 4.a Number of persons sleeping in one bedroom
1 – 2 (mainly 2)
2 – 4 (mainly 4) 5. Bathroom (yes, no) Yes (100%) No (83%)
6. Way of maintaining personal hygiene Washing hands, brushing teeth, bathing/showering - daily; Hands and face washing – daily; bathing in “maštil” (bucket) - weekly 7. Number of daily meals 3 or 5 (equally)
3 or 2 (equally) 8. Meals involving all family members Lunch and supper (mainly)
Supper (all); lunch and supper (50%) 9. The usual:
breakfast: bread spread + drink
lunch: soup + meat / fish; pasta with sauces
supper: cooked vegetables + meat breakfast: bread soaked in milk
lunch: soup without meat, beans stews, pasta / maize porridge
supper: cooked vegetables + eggs 10. Tasks involving all family members housekeeping and cleaning; large agricultural activities
all agricultural activities
11. Do children spend time alone at home? (yes, no):
Yes (often)
No (almost never) In what occasions? parents are busy or have obligations
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